Marcello Villa e Vittorio Villa



in Cremona




Latest update on 14 October 2024

P.I.:00849950191    P.I.: 01076010196




Vittorio and Marcello Villa are Italian violin makers. In their workshop in Cremona, Italy, they make violins, violas, cellos, bowed baroque instruments according to Stradivari, Guarneri, Amati's violinmaking style. 
Marcello and Vittorio Villa luthiers have also been teachers at IPIALL, the violinmaking school in Cremona.
In the world there are many words that indicate the same job: violin maker, fiddle maker, luthier, geigenbauer, geigenmaker, etc.. The Italian word for luthier is liutaio. Violinmakers from Italy are considered the best in the world. Although many people make violins, only few are actually professional makers of fiddles. Marcello and Vittorio Villa are also well known as makers of inlaid decorated instruments (violini intarsiati).
Have you ever seen a Villa violin, viola or cello? You can find their violins in many important classical music places in the world, sometimes even along with Stradivarius instruments: orchestras, string quartets, music schools and, of course this web site!



Both Marcello and Vittorio 's particular passion is reproduction of Stradivari and Amati inlaid instruments, which they believe to be the quintessence of artistic and technical perfection.

Marcello Villa was born in Monza in 1965. He graduated in 1983 at the International School of Violin-making in Cremona, obtaining the highest possible merit in his final year. Marcello Villa was awarded in many violin making competitions as you can read in his web pages. His instruments distinguish themselves for many reasons: beauty and fine acoustics. For many years he has been dedicated to the reproduction of classical Italian instruments. He has made copies of instruments by Andrea Amati, Nicola Amati, Andrea Guarneri, Francesco Ruggeri, Guarneri del Gesł, Antonio Stradivari, all of which have been particularly appreciated in the U.S.A., Germany and Japan. Baroque-specialised musicians have shown great interest in his period instruments: viola d'amore, viola da gamba, pochette, lira da braccio, baroque violin, baroque viola, baroque cello.

Vittorio Villa was born in Monza in 1961. He has a Conservatory Diploma in Violin playing and has performed as a violinist with important Italian orchestras. He graduated in 1992 at the International School of Violin-making in Cremona. Also teacher at the same institute, he furthermore had the opportunity to research the aspects of physical acoustics in the field of bowed instruments. It is due to this background, both as a performer and as a researcher, that Vittorio Villa's instruments are sought after by musicians for their sound quality in addition to their fine workmanship.
Vittorio was finalist in several Italian and international violin making competitions (11° Concorso Cittą di Bagnacavallo, Triennale degli strumenti ad arco A. Stradivari Cremona 1991 e 1997, Mostra Concorso Comune di Baveno 1995).
Since 1997 he decided to no longer participate in these competitions, due to the unique characteristics of his antique looking instruments that hardly suit the aesthetic rules usually adopted in such violinmaking contests.
Vittorio prefers being successful directly among musicians and it is with this that many of his instruments are played by prestigious musicians, themselves being often part of important orchestras worldwide.

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